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"The TOEFL test is the most widely respected English-language test in the world, recognized by more than 9,000 colleges, universities and agencies in more than 130 countries, including Australia, Canada, the U.K. and the United States"

The TOEFL test is a widely recognized English-language test that demonstrates the English proficiency of a student to various colleges and countries all over the world. Here at eWay, we guide our students through the TOEFL by preparing resources and consistently reviewing the material covered on the test during our sessions.

Skills that are tested in the TOEFL and covered in our classes here at eWay Learning Center include:​

  • Listening

  • Speaking

  • Reading

  • Writing

At eWay

We cover the necessary test prep in order for our students to excel in all four of these skills and ultimately on the test as well. Through the constant guidance available in our class sessions, our students fully grasp the four skills required for proficiency in the English-language.

For more information, visit the official TOEFL Website:

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